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The planning for the 2012 conference is well underway. We look forward to welcoming you back March 8 to 10, 2012.

Important Information for 2012 PDC Exhibitors

Booth Requests on-line July 6th

You will be able to request booths for the 2012 Pacific Dental Conference beginning at
12am PDT on July 6th, 2011 at

Updates to your account can be done starting June 27th.

Your 2011 Pacific Dental Conference Login ID and password is still valid for the 2012 meeting. If you do not recall your ID and/or password, please create a new account.

Download the 2012 PDC Exhibitor Prospectus

PDC Hotels available for booking Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

For 2011 Attendees

Session handouts and Continuing Education Reports are now available. For privacy and security reasons you must log in above using your ID and password in order to access these items.

If you forgot your ID and password, click here to get it emailed to you.

If you were registered by someone else as part of an office, the Account Holder can create a personal Login ID for you to use to access your own CE Report and handouts. To do so, the Account Holder must Log in, and then click "Create Login IDs for individual Attendees"
For privacy reasons we will not give out ID and password information to anyone except the ID's owner.

If you had registered on-site or had mailed in your registration, you will not have a Login ID. In that case please contact us and we will create one for you.